Der SCI Schweiz unterstützt das Refusers Solidarity Network


Der SCI-Schweiz unterstützt das Refusers Solidarity Network mit folgendem Brief:

TO: Israeli conscientious objectors

Dear Friends. We, the Service Civil International, Swiss branch, support your brave decision to refuse to take part in the Gaza massacre despite the persecution you face.

Not only is refusal to participate in war crimes a moral imperative, it is crucial to ending the horrors of the war. By withdrawing your cooperation and disobeying, you are undermining Israel’s ability to continue destroying Gaza.

We want you to know that many around the world support your courageous action, and hereby vow to help you in any way we can. Together, we can end this massacre.

We feel specially connected with you, because before the implementation of a civilian service in Switzerland as an alternative to conscription in 1996 many of us have served time in prison as conscientious objectors. We admire your courage to make the same moral choice under much harsher conditions and in a social environment hostile to nonviolent solutions.

Peace and friendship!

Working group political action
SCI Switzerland

Monbijoustrasse 32, 3011 Bern, Tel. 031 381 46 20, E-Mail:

Refuser Solidarity Network

Since 2003, Refuser Solidarity Network has amplified Israeli war resisters’ voices and provided them crucial support in the toughest of political circumstances. We provide funds for demonstrations outside prison, legal fees, media campaigns that tell war resisters’ stories to the general public, and education programs for Israeli and global audiences about their important resistance to the occupation. Israeli war resisters work to end the Israeli occupation and create a just peace for Palestinians and Israelis, and Refuser Solidarity Network is here for them.

Military refusers come from all segments of Israeli society. They are Mizrahi and Ashkenazi; they are religious and secular; they are Druze, Bedouin, and Russian, they are people of all gender identities, from the large cities and from the small towns. As refusers are standing up against endless war in the most difficult time and climate to do so, we work to support their activities.

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