Become active – stay active
Do you want to get involved in the public discussion for a more peaceful future? Would you like to participate in the peace movement?
If yes… Join the peace policy working group of SCI Switzerland! This group was founded in 2022 and aims to sharpen the peace policy profile of SCI Switzerland. We want to participate in peace policy demonstrations and non-violent actions and become more visible as a part of the peace movement. We strongly believe that being an integral part of civil society, we have to participate in creating a more peaceful world.
As part of this initiative to give new impetus to the peace policy debate, a working group on political statements has also been founded. We regularly write and publish political statements on current peace policy issues in German and French. Below you can read what we have published so far.
Are you interested? New members are always welcome! Then contact us, we will be happy to inform you about the forms of cooperation that correspond to your interests as well as to your possibilities.
Our political statements
Stopp der Zerstörung und Aufruf zum Frieden im Nahen Osten
Als Service Civil International Schweiz (SCI Schweiz), einer Organisation, die sich für Frieden einsetzt, sind wir...
7 October One Year Later: A Call for Peace Amidst Escalating Aggression Joint statement by CCIVS and SCI
Statement published on the SCI International website on 7 October 2024. October 7, 2024; unbelievably one year has...
Der SCI Schweiz unterstützt das Refusers Solidarity Network
Der SCI-Schweiz unterstützt das Refusers Solidarity Network mit folgendem Brief:TO: Israeli conscientious objectors...
Stellungnahme des Service Civil International Schweiz (SCI) zur Änderung des Zivildienstgesetzes
Eidgenössisches Departement für Wirtschaft, Bildung und Forschung WBF Bern, 28. Mai 2024 Sehr geehrter Herr Bundesrat...
Der SCI Schweiz unterstützt die Initiative zum Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag
Der SCI Schweiz unterstützt die Initiative zum Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag, da die Schweiz sich stark für dessen...
Zivildienst dem Zivilschutz unterstellen ist kontraproduktiv
Stellungnahme des SCI Schweiz zur Schwächung des Zivildienstes von Dienstag, 2. Mai 2023. Zurzeit ist eine...
Peace policy demonstrations
Workshop zur Zukunft des SCI Schweiz: Austausch zur Friedenspolitik und den Bedürfnissen unserer Freiwilligen
Wir laden euch ganz herzlich ein, am Samstag 30. November von 14-17 Uhr an unserem Workshop mit anschliessendem Apéro...
100 anni del Service Civil International: Mostra itinerante e tavola rotonda a Locarno
Il Service Civil International Svizzera (SCI) festeggia quest’anno i cent’anni dalla sua fondazione. Per celebrare...
Living Library zur Klimakrise (18. September in Bern)
Die Living Library ist eine Veranstaltungsform, die dazu beiträgt, Vorurteile abzubauen und den Dialog sowie das...
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Newsletter „SCI News”
Our newsletter “SCI News” is published every two months and keeps updated on volunteering opportunities (workcamps and long-term), events and trainings. We also share volunteer experience stories and local projects updates.
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