Politically, SCI fought at the forefront to make civil service possible as an alternative to military service in Switzerland. Hence the name of the organization. What is more, in the 1920s the SCI organized the very first civil service assignments in Switzerland in order to demonstrate that civil service is a reasonable and equally valuable alternative to military service.

Today you can do civil service with SCI, above all as a camp coordinator in workcamps in Switzerland. The assignments take place between June and September. This is when you can do short assignments of two to three weeks per workcamp.

Your contact person

Unsere Infoveranstaltungen finden aktuell online statt. Freiwilligenarbeit in der Schweiz und im Ausland.

Hannah Egger

Program manager Workcamps

civil service switzerland

Unfortunately, we cannot arrange a civil service assignment abroad for you. For information on this, contact the nearest regional civil service office.

If you are interested in a civil service assignment in Switzerland, send us a short CV with a letter of motivation. The basis for the letter of motivation is the Camp Coordinators section. Please read that thoroughly and use this background information to describe:

  • Why you are interested in serving as a camp coordinator
  • which aspects of this task particularly appeal to you
  • what previous experiences (professional and private) you might find useful for this task.

Based on this, a meeting and subsequent employment will follow.

For more information, contact Hannah: / 031 381 46 20

Counselling centre for civil service and conscientious objection to military service

«In the end, everyone found a seat, and it was during the final performance in the middle of the stage. Here the glow in the children’s eyes spilled over onto the audience. And if there is something I want to preserve, this is it.»

Boas Lieberherr

Civil service in the workcamp

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