International Training “From Dreams to Actions”


Join this training course from 16 – 22 September 2021 if you would like to become a change-maker and a peace-builder!

  • Do you prefer to be an action taker rather than an observer?
  • Do you agree that we all deserve peaceful lives, with peaceful minds, non-violent interactions, and without the horrors of war and conflict?
  • Are you willing to learn and put into practice how we can make this dream come true, step by step?
  • Are you a resident of one of the following European countries: Albania, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, Germany, Kosovo, Moldova, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland?
  • Are you ready to meet amazing people from 12 countries, make new friendships and get inspired by their ideas and projects?
  • Would you like to spend a week in a beautiful green surrounding, a stone’s throw away from the city of Antwerp, a gem of architecture and style?
  • And all this without any cost?!

If your answers are “Yes, this is me!”, then…

… we have an offer for you!!

We are ready to invite you to join a one-week training course “From Dreams to Actions”, which will take place in September 2021, and will include:

1. Workshops dedicated to expanding knowledge on peace and its different levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal, with nature).

2. Parallel session (upon the choice of participants) related to different ways of working for peace, including among others:

  • street actions and campaigning
  • advocacy and lobbying for political change
  • Nonviolent Communication and ways to educate about/through NVC
  • communication campaigns in social media

3. Preparation of the local follow-up actions.

4. Common street action in Antwerp or Brussels during the International Day of Peace (21.09).

At the training course, you will:

  • learn how to live peace and act for peace through small-scale actions that can be done even without big resources
  • get equipped with various peace-related tools and methods you can later use in your work and everyday life
  • exchange good practices, inspirations, and share resources and ideas
  • plan a follow-up action to take place in your local community upon the course completion

If you are interested in this training course, we offer 3 places for Swiss residents!

Read the full call for participants here and contact us at to subsrcibe.

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