International Training “Mobility of Volunteering? Eco-friendly!”, 12 – 19 September 2021 in Germany


Nuremberg, Germany

12.-19. September 2021

Call for Participants:

Currently, many of the travel distances are covered by air plane. This contributes massively to the climate crisis and to increasing social inequality.

Project M.O.V.E. (Mobility of Volunteering? Eco-friendly!) makes mobility a peace issue and considers the acute need to raise awareness and to promote critical reflection of current mobility choices in international volunteer projects and peace activities.

‹Ready to Take Off› and the following implementation phase ‹On the MOVE› are the first of 2 activities of project M.O.V.E.

We invite peace and climate activists, active volunteers, camp coordinators, seminar facilitators and other youth workers or multipliers to learn about the links between (global) mobility, climate justice and international peace work.

Together with people from 18 countries, initiate structural change regarding mobility within SCI and its partner organisations. Promote sustainable means of transportation and implement local actions by creating a toolkit on sustainable mobility.

More infos and application (until 01/08/2021)

Read the call for participants.

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