“What will I do for Peace today?” – We are happy to present you this inspiring peace poster which is the outcome from the training course “Peace in Practice”. The online training course was organized by SCI Switzerland and took place from 30/10/ – 11/11/2020.
The course gathered as many as 30 participants from 17 countries who were volunteers, activists of NGOs working for peace and youth workers. The training course shed some light on the three levels of peace (“inner peace”, “peace with others” and “peace with nature”). The group was highly motivated to explore this topic and over 2 weeks, the participants met for 40 hours of Zoom-meetings!
Below you can download the beautiful poster in different colours, sizes and with different symbols.
The poster was designed by our amazing co-worker and activist Sara Castillo. Thank you!
We hope you can be inspired by these small inputs for your daily practice of peace!
The training course was financed by Movetia and thanks to the cooperation with SCI International, it was also co-funded by the European Youth Foundation (EYF).

Language & Translation
Wouldn’t it be great to have this peace poster translated into your local language?
Well, we have good news for you:
If you take care of the translation, we will take care of incorporating it into the design! 🙂
Let us know to which language you plan to translate the poster (so that we can inform you if anybody else is already doing the job), then please fill this table and send back the translation to peace.practice@scich.org
Try to use active, encouraging language that is concise enough to fit on a poster. Thank you!