Pre-departure training


This training offers workshops on prejudice, cultural appropriation, Interculturality, postcolonialism, diversity and fair trade. This training is the perfect preparation for your volunteering project (EVS, Workcamps, Long-term, North-South, Campcoordinators* etc.) but also if you are interested in general!

*Participation is compulsory for volunteering in the Global South (Africa, Asia and Latin America).

  • When? 26 – 27 June
  • Where? Due to COVID-19, this training will take online (Zoom) or physically (to be decided). We will keep you updated – stay tuned!

If you want to join the training, please contact us -> We will send you the detailed program and a confirmation.

P.S. This training is directed at people living in Switzerland, as we can place them in projects. But if we have available free spaces, we are happy to accept also people from outside of Switzerland!

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