Workcamp in Old Mill Mini Music Festival


21 - 28 Jul 2021

Schangnau (BE)

Description: The Old Mill Mini Music Festival is an alternative music-festival with up to 500 visitors. Its character is strictly non-commercial. There are no tickets (pay how much you like at the entrance), no rubbish bins (people collect their own rubbish themselves) and no fences or security-guys. This festival aims to show people new concepts of how to organize a music festival. We try to be environmentally friendly and have a good vibe on the site. There will be 1 indoor stage with music and a bar. The site is located in a nice Swiss rural area on the lands of an old farmhouse next to the river Emme.

Type of Work: Before the festival: physical work like building the infrastructure for the festival: bar, signs, toilets, tents as well as decoration of the festival site. During the festival: managing the parking lot, preparing food at food-stalls (meat), working at the bar, managing rubbish and toilets. After the festival: taking down the infrastructure (heavy physical work again). Further there will be quite some work in the organic garden.

Study Theme: You will be informed how to organize a small non-commercial music-festival. We can talk about our concept and how to realise it on the site. This won`t take too long, around 2 hours.

Accommodation: You are invited to bring your own tent to camp on the festival site. If you dont have your own tent, you will sleep in an old barn with no comfort at all. Women and men sleep in the same big room. Mattresses are provided, but there won’t be any blankets, pillows or mattress covers. Please bring your own sleeping bag and beddings! The whole festival site can be very loud at night – it`s a music-festival after all. There are 2 basic toilets for everyone with no comfort whatsoever and one regular shower. A washing machine is available. Wi-Fi is also available.

Language: Spoken languages at the camp site are English, French or German. Local language is Swiss German.

More info & how to apply here.


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