Support us

Donate now

Support our workcamp organization, projects concerning peacebuilding, sustainable development and non-violent conflict resolution and enable disadvantaged volunteers to get involved.

Other ways to donate

By bank transfer

Postal account number:



By bank transfer

Service Civil International Schweiz, Monbijoustrasse 32, 3011 Bern

IBAN: CH26 0900 0000 8003 3387 4


By payment slip

Order payment slips: / 031 381 46 20

Become a member


You will receive the members’ magazine SCI newsletter 3 times a year and the annual report

You can participate at the annual meeting and vote

You benefit from free participation in training courses (Switzerland and Europe), as well as a reduced participation fee for workcamps in Switzerland and abroad

You are part of an international movement that promotes intercultural dialogue and peace

You can apply for membership directly using our membership form:

3 + 15 =

Leave a inheritance or a legacy

A legacy or inheritance donated to SCI Switzerland is a sign of commitment and a valuable gift to support the continued peace work of our organization.

We are always available for further information on inheritances or legacies.

If you have any questions, please contact Francesca Albanello: 

Support SCI Switzerland as a member, with a donation or with a inheritance or a legacy. Take action now for peace!