SCI Switzerland is part of the international network Service Civil International (SCI). SCI Switzerland organizes volunteer projects around the world that contribute to peace in a broad sense: social justice, sustainable development, equality, solidarity and non-violent conflict resolution. SCI Switzerland is party-politically and religiously independent.

Our Vision, Mission and Values are committed to global peace through volunteering at national and international levels. Join us!


SCI Switzerland is committed to global peace through volunteering at national and international levels. Under the slogan “Volunteering for Peace” (volunteer work for peace) it enables volunteers from all over the world to work in charitable projects. Working together enables them to experience mutual respect and understanding – without prejudice. This way, volunteering becomes a symbol of a peaceful and cooperative world.


Voluntary work

SCI is committed to ensuring that voluntary work can be undertaken by everyone and is recognized by society


International solidarity for a fairer world and solidarity between people at all levels


SCI supports people in their efforts to change the social, cultural and economic structures that affect their lives and those of others


As a principle and method

Respect for the environment

SCI is committed to sustainable development through ecological projects


SCI works closely with local communities, supports charitable projects and NGOs. Abroad, it works with other SCI branches and local partner organizations to strengthen the potential of an active, international civil society

Human Rights

Respect for everyone, as stated in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights


SCI is open toeveryone. Anybody can volunteer, regardless of gender, political views, cultural, national, religious or social background


It is party-politically and religiously independent, but will take sides

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