Workcamp-Season 2025


Aktive Freiwillige im Workcamp in Tschüdanga, Wallis

We are happy to inform you about upcoming workcamps taking place in Ecuador, Lebanon, and Palestine in the coming months. These workcamps provide opportunities for volunteers to engage in meaningful projects and foster cultural exchange while collaborating with our valued partner organizations.

The workcamps span from 2 to 3 weeks, allowing participants to immerse themselves in the local communities and contribute to local initiatives. It is important to note that SCI Switzerland is cautious to send volunteers to projects in other continents for only a short period of time due to the significant ecological footprint involved. Please read our recommendations at the bottom of the page.

We are happy to present these exceptional workcamps. SCI Switzerland has a connection to all three projects: In Ecuador, SCI Switzerland has funded parts of the project and the building of a new water pipeline, with Palestine a collaboration with “Tent of Nations Switzerland” has been formed and with Lebanon, the SCI network has found a completely new partner and we want to promote this recent opportunity.

Here’s an overview of the upcoming workcamps:

Workcamp in Ecuador:

  • (16 – 31 July) Let’s learn about water!

Description: The group will work on activities in the field of organic agriculture, soil restoration, organic orchards, and beekeeping. The activities will include preparing the soil, composting, planting, and harvesting. Volunteers will also be involved in cleaning paths in the cloudy forest and taking care of farm animals.

Study Theme: To understand how the food we eat in our daily life is produced, learn about the impact of food production on the environment, explore new ways of sustainable food production, and discover the vital role of bees and how to support them.

If you would like to receive more information about this workcamp, please contact us at 

Workcamp in Lebanon: 

Description: Unlimited Use is an association dedicated to fostering connections among the diverse communities in the Palestinian Refugee Camp of Shatila in Beirut. In this Workcamp, we will support the activities of the Shatila Youth Center, which includes basketball training, boxing training, English lessons, art and drawing classes, and playful activities. The center serves as a space for children and youth to integrate and develop into positive individuals for a better society. Volunteers will assist in various activities such as football, basketball, ping pong, boxing, remedial English and art classes, entertainment, life skills, and awareness sessions. Families are also an integral part of the center’s values, and their participation is encouraged. All activities will take place both within the center of Shatila and in the surrounding fields.

Study Theme: As part of the project’s goals to increase awareness of the Palestinian issue, there will be formal and informal talks and discussions.

Workcamps in Palestine:

August is the month of picking Almonds and apples. It is always useful to have more people sharing this significant time together with the Tent of Nations, volunteers and other young people. Young people from different backgrounds will camp out for ten days. During this  time they will pick almonds and other fruits and also help in the processing, like making jam out of the apple and other fruits.

As August/September are the months of picking grapes and figs, it is always useful to have more people sharing this significant time together with the Tent of Nations, volunteers, and other young people. Young people from different backgrounds will camp out for ten days. During this time they will pick the harvest and also help in the process of making grape and fig jams, dry figs and grapes, and make syrup and juice.

The olive harvest camp is provided for both Locals and internationals. Volunteers will pick olives, prune the olive trees and learn how to take care of them.

There are more than 300 workcamps around the world. If you want to check out all the workcamps taking place abroad, have a look at the workcamps search engine. You can filter by date, country and topic. If you would like to participate in a workcamp in Switzerland, you will find all volunteer projects in this list.

If you want to learn more about our conditions of participation, you can find all information here.

Each month, we organize Info-Events where you can learn more about workcamps – sign up now!

Please be aware that if you are interested in participating in one of the workcamps, you will have to take part in a special preparation before departure. Please contact us for further information.

If you have any questions you can write to or call us on 031 381 46 20.

How to apply for a workcamp? Read this!

Ecological Footprint and Recommendations:

At SCI Switzerland, we are committed to promoting sustainable practices and minimizing the ecological footprint of our volunteers. We recommend the following guidelines for participants:

Extend your Stay: While our workcamps range from 1-3 weeks, we encourage volunteers to consider staying longer if possible. A more extended duration allows for a deeper impact and engagement with the project and the local community. Think about your ecological footprint!

Travel Sustainably: Whenever possible, choose environmentally-friendly transportation options. Consider avoiding flights and opt for trains or buses instead. Reach out to us – we can provide you with tips on how to travel more ecologically – contact us

This summer be part of the change!

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