As a camp coordinator, you will accompany a group of international volunteers on a workcamp in Switzerland. You are part of the group and work on the project, but you also have additional tasks, such as informing the SCI team about the progress of the workcamp and mediating between the project partner and the volunteers.

Your contact person

Unsere Infoveranstaltungen finden aktuell online statt. Freiwilligenarbeit in der Schweiz und im Ausland.

Hannah Egger

Program manager Workcamps


  • Basic knowledge of English + at least one national language.
  • You (currently) live in Switzerland.
  • Participation in the preparatory seminar. At a preparation seminar, camp coordinators learn how to work in an intercultural team, resolve conflicts non-violently, and react appropriately in delicate situations.
  • Please note that you need a special private extract.


  • Participation in the workcamp (including meals and lodging) is free of charge for camp coordinators.
  • Travel expenses are reimbursed on request on a half-fare basis.
  • In addition, camp coordinators receive a free trial membership for one year.


Contact Hannah ( if you are interested in being a camp coordinator at a workcamp in Switzerland.

Key competencies achieved as a Workcamp coordinator

By participating in and coordinating SCI projects the volunteer achieves following key competences:

Skills in teamwork

Working in multicultural and multilingual teams, the participant learns to work together with formerly unknown co-workers


Cultural awareness

The participant learns to  understand different cultural contexts as well as respecting unfamiliar viewpoints and values

Flexibility and willingness to learn

To adapt to a new work and social environment the participant needs to approach his or her tasks with patience and openness

Conflict resolution skills

Different (cultural) backgrounds and a flat hierarchy in the voluntary service stimulate the participant to resolve occurring conflicts


Coordination skills

The participant coordinates the shared tasks, assures that the project runs smoothly and shows flexibility and ability to find creative solutions

Civil service

Today you can do your civil service with us as a camp coordinator in a workcamp (environmental assignments) in Switzerland. The assignments take place from July to September. During this time, you can do short assignments of two to three weeks per workcamp. >> More info

Youth Leave

If you are employed and under 30 years of age, you can take one week of youth leave as a camp coordinator.

Find your workcamp!

Support a social, ecological or cultural project in Switzerland or abroad

Workcamp search engineInspirations from our workcamps in Switzerland


What our volunteers say

I just came back from a workcamp in Graubünden. You cannot imagine how nice and peaceful this place is. It is astonishing how a little town can have so much enthusiasm for what they do and who they are. Being in this workcamp made me realize how beautiful it can be to work outside instead of in an office. You are able to better understand yourself and nature – especially when you have great partners like we did who explained to you the importance of their work for both their community and the environment. Pro Terra Engiadina, the partner, really is an inspiration for people as they stay close and connected to their values and their community. Coming back, I can only say that I learned much more than I expected and that I am grateful for this experience.


Camp coordinator

I was looking for international projects to expand my perspective. At the end I’ve coordinated a summer camp. It was such a decent experience to build benches with 10 unique people from all around the world. I had a feeling that I was living utopia which we created in a very diverse and fun way while learning about drill machines and picking wild berries. If you can get the chance don’t miss it. It’s an excellent practice to live & learn together!


Camp coordinator

Die Energie, welche ich in diesen zwei Wochen gespürt habe, war wunderbar und wird mir immer in Erinnerung bleiben.


Camp coordinator

Our international group of 16 people was beautifully accommodated in the centre of Sent (Switzerland) and our local partners from Pro Terra Engiadina showed us every day a new quality: efficiency, organisation, human warmth, humour, attention, creativity. We worked on 7 different sites (including 3 protected biotopes), in breathtaking landscapes and in the service of nature and local communities to maintain and promote biodiversity.


Camp coordinator

Make a contribution as a


Take part in a workcamp! Find out about the conditions of participation, how to register and the costs


If you represent a non-profit organisation in Switzerland, you can organise a workcamp. Get in touch with us!


Complete your civil service with us as a camp coordinator* at workcamps or as a cook* at seminars and training courses