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Info-event: Long-Term-Volunteering (june 2022)

21st Juni 2022 @ 19:30 - 20:00

Do you want to contribute to society instead of just traveling?
Do you want to support a social, ecological or cultural project in Africa, Asia, Latin America or North America for 1-3 months?
Are you interested in #volunteering & do you want to contribute to social transformation and global justice?
If all your answers are “yes”, join one of our info-events!
SCI Switzerland organizes volunteering projects around the world that contribute to peace in a broad sense: to social justice, sustainable development, equality, solidarity and non-violent conflict resolution.
If you are unable to participate on that day, we can send you all the information by email!
Be part of the change!
*This event is for people living in Switzerland


21st Juni 2022
19:30 - 20:00