THE PROJECT: The aim of the local workcamp hosting partner, who is organizing the mini-workcamp, is to create a vegan-organic and sustainable permaculture farm, where they will be able to show people that truly ecological (and vegan) lifestyle is also possible in the mountains.
TYPE OF WORK: You will rake the low-nutrient meadow. The purpose is: low-nutrient meadows only stay with a lot of different wild flowers, if one cut the meadow every year and bring the grass away; the other two reasons are to initiate mulch production that will fertilize the soil of the garden, and to maintain the area for those animal species that live in mulch piles, such as wild bees, blindworms, and even snakes. On Sunday morning we will plant some trees/bushes for the forest garden. When it’s hot, you will mainly work in the evenings and in the early mornings, while when it’s cold/rainy – during the “office” hours. You will cook organic, vegan, and seasonal food together with the workcamp hosting partner, as well as hand wash and dry the dishes. After lunch on Sunday it is time to travel back home (the bus depart on Sundays only from Souboz, village (= half hour walking) at 16:24).
You will discuss such topics as:
Apart from that, you can also talk to the workcamp hosting partners about homeschooling, as they adhere to the methods of homeschooling or ask what open pollinated seeds have to do with food sovereignty.