Participate in the one-week training course “Peace with Others” in Zürich!


The goal is to build the capacity of youth workers from different countries to gain competences essential for building a nonviolent world. Peace for Change!

We are looking for participants for the International Training “Peace with Others”, which will take place in Lenzburg (near Zürich) from 19 to 25 May!

*The travel costs, your participation fee, food and accommodation are covered by SCI Switzerland and Movetia – the National Agency for Exchange and Mobility. If you are a resident of Switzerland, to participate in the training course, you need to become a member of SCI Switzerland. Similar rule might apply for some other nationalities (more information in the call).

We are ready to invite you to join a one-week training course “Peace with Others” (19-25.05.2022, Lenzburg near Zürich), during which you will deepen your knowledge and understanding of the concept of peace and its different levels (intrapersonal, interpersonal, with nature) with a focus on the interpersonal level – living in peace with others.

We believe that the training course will increase your peace-related knowledge, self-confidence, make your work more efficient, and help you have a greater impact on your surrounding community and reality!

We offer you not only an excellent learning opportunity that will support you to increase the quality of the work you and your organisation are doing in connection to peace and peace education, but also a unique networking experience with fellow-minded people from 14 European and Middle East countries.

Read the call for participants HERE and apply by 3.04.2022 HERE.

This project is financially supported by Movetia. Movetia promotes exchange, mobility and cooperation within the fields of education, training and youth work – in Switzerland, Europe and worldwide. 

This training is part of the project « Peace for Change, Change for Peace ». Are you interested in SCI trainings? Learn more here.

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