We are looking for 2 participants for the Peaceweek « Linking migrations with climate emergency », which will take place in Barcelona from 13 to 20 March!
SCI Catalunya organises a training course for meeting and exchange between youth from the Mediterranean area around the current situation of climate emergency and the relation with the economic, gender-related and geographical inequalities, which violate human rights in the context of migrations, displacements and asylum caused by climate phenomena.
The aim is to create a space for youth from different countries to tackle the global issue of climate emergency and the impact it has in different territories, especially putting the focus on human rights violations caused on countries and communities from the Global South.
- Get to know each other’s experiences around the topic.
- Learn about structural causes and impacts of the current economic global model: extractivism, environment destruction, hate speech and authoritarian policies responsible for people’s forced displacement.
- Reinforce ecofeminist and intercultural points of view.
- Put the focus on resistance experiences from different countries shared by participants.
- Raise awareness and encourage networking among participants’ organizations.
- Collect tools and strategies for resistance, democratization, nonviolent participation and action.
- Train the participants in digital safety, hate speech, defense of human rights and peace building.
The ‘Peaceweek’ seminar is a one-week stay in Barcelona with young people from all over the world. The language of the seminar is English.
This project is fully granted, so all the costs such as traveling, food or accommodation are covered.
For more information, read the call for participants.
If you want to take part, write to us at info@scich.org before Sunday 23rd January.