Workcamp-Season 2025


Aktive Freiwillige im Workcamp in Tschüdanga, Wallis

We are happy to have you on board as a participant for our pre-departure training on 25th & 26th of June 2022 in Yverdon-les-Bains!

This seminar is directed at all volunteers, incl. workcamp participants, workcamp coordinators and longterm volunteers. The seminar is for free including food and accommodation.

If you have any questions that are not answered in this infosheet, please contact In case of any questions or concerns on the seminar weekend, please contact Maurus at +41 (0)79 439 99 43 [private mobile].


With this pre-departure training at SCI, we want to confront volunteers and camp coordinators with an in-depth preparation for their intercultural volunteering experience, whether it is a workcamp in Switzerland or abroad, a long-term project or EVS program.

In general, we will provide different energizers and workshops about cross-cultural, stereotypes/prejudices, SCI history, peacebuilding, conflict resolution, power mechanisms, gender roles, micro-aggressions etc.

As in every SCI seminar or training, you will also meet nice people and be able to enjoy a big group of passionate volunteers in a real SCI atmosphere, which is supposed to give you a taste of what you will be promoting afterwards.

The working language of the training is English, so free command of the language is necessary in order for you to benefit most from the content of the training. Of course, questions can also be asked in either German or French if it’s easier for the person asking the question 😉


We meet on Saturday at 13 h and the seminar is closed on Sunday at 17 h.

Our seminar will take place in Yverdon-les-Bains at “Cabane scoute La Roselière” (Rue de la Jonction 14). For more impressions visit

From the train station Yverdon-les-Bains it takes 20 minutes by foot.


Service Civil International (SCI) is a peace organisation and is one of the biggest non-profit networks of volunteering organisations. The Swiss pacifist Pierre Cérésole started the initiative in 1920. He wanted to foster understanding and cooperation among people from nations, who fought against each other during World War I. In the first volunteering camp Cérésole organised, volunteers came together in a small village close to Verdun (France) to rebuild it after it had been destroyed in the War (see image below). People from all over Europe participated in the camp, even from countries that had been responsible for the destruction of the village.

Also today, through volunteering workcamps SCI wants to create a “culture of peace”. With this, we understand for example awareness for people with fewer social opportunities, global inequalities, sustainability and a responsible use of resources. In SCI workcamps people from different countries, cultural and social backgrounds work together during two to four weeks for a local non-profit initiative. The Swiss branch is the founding branch of the movement and is based with an office in Berne.


We will take videos and pictures during the project. It’s possible that we will use the photos in our newsletter, social media and website. Please tell us if you are not comfortable to be in our pictures.


If you want to join the training, please contact us 

We’re looking forward to meeting you :))
Larissa, Haykel & Maurus

SCI Switzerland

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