“Crediamo che l’educazione abbia un ruolo fondamentale nella pace e nello sviluppo. L’educazione è un diritto umano. Nei nostri corsi di formazione, utilizziamo il metodo dell’educazione non formale (ENF), che è partecipativo e accessibile a tutti. Attraverso il dialogo e lo scambio interculturale, possiamo promuovere una comprensione critica del mondo e dei cambiamenti nella nostra società”.
SCI Team
Seminario preparatorio
Durante i nostri seminari di preparazione potrai saperne di più sul nostro lavoro di volontariato, sui campi di lavoro e sugli impegni a lungo termine e scoprire anche i nostri valori e i nostri obiettivi. Parliamo delle sfide di un campo di volontariato internazionale o di un impegno a lungo termine e offriamo vari workshop su temi come l’interculturalità, la storia del SCI, la risoluzione dei conflitti, la comunicazione non violenta, le dinamiche di gruppo, i pregiudizi/stereotipi culturali, il razzismo, il colonialismo, il genere e molti altri. Inoltre, i volontari racconteranno la loro esperienza di volontariato e vi daranno preziosi consigli.
Alcuni volontari condivideranno anche le loro esperienze e ti daranno consigli preziosi.
La partecipazione al seminario preparatorio SCI Svizzera è obbligatoria per i minori che desiderano partecipare a un workcamp o a un progetto LTV (Long Term Volunteering), per i volontari che si uniscono a un progetto di LTV e per i coordinatori dei campi di lavoro estivi in Svizzera.
We organise three preparatory seminars per year. These usually take place in spring (February/March> for interested people in workcamps and LTV), summer (Mai/June> only for camp coordinators and workcamps participants) and autumn (October/November> for interested people in workcamps and LTV). Please contact us if you would like to do a long-term project so that you can be sure of attending a preparatory seminar in advance. In May, the seminar is only open for camp coordinators and workcamp participants.
Vuoi partecipare? Contattaci:
Il prossimo seminario preparatorio si terrà nella seguente data: Sabato 26 ottobre 2024. Scopri di più
Upcoming Training courses
Participate in the QUTIE training in Bern, a queer training for intersectional education
We are looking for 25 participants to join the training "QUTIE" a queer training for intersectional education which...
Take part in the seminar “Global Education Lab: Extractivism” in Bern (Switzerland)!
We are looking for 28 international participants (including 4 participants residing in Switzerland) to join the...
Take part in the seminar “Global Education Lab: Extractivism” in Bern (Switzerland)!
We are looking for 28 international participants (including 4 participants residing in Switzerland) to join the...
Peace training courses
“Peace is a big concept. It has many layers and levels of understanding. Throughout this year and beyond, SCI hopes to broaden young people’s understanding of and engagement with peace, as something more than just ‘absence of war’. We want to show that peace is something which can be lived on a day-to-day basis”. (SCI International)
Peace in Practice (2020)
The training course shed some light on the three levels of peace (“inner peace”, “peace with others” and “peace with nature”).
Peace for Change, Change for Peace (2022)
The project goal was to build the capacity of around 60 youth workers to gain competences essential for building a peaceful and nonviolent world.
Educators for Peace (2023 - 2024)
We will organise 2 training courses (November 2023 & April 2024), where the participants will learn, share and exchange on how to work for peace.
Follow up resources
“My Peace Journal”, a guide to encourage reflection and action for peace
One of the tangible outcomes of the project “Peace for Change, Change for Peace” (2022) was “My Peace Journal”, a personal diary providing space for reflection, encouraging thinking about peace and acting for peace, available both printed and in electronic form. If you would like us to send you the printed version, please contact us at
Peace in Practice Poster
“What will I do for Peace today?” – We are happy to present you this inspiring peace poster which is the outcome from the training course “Peace in Practice” (2020).
The poster is available in different languages, colours, sizes and symbols. We already have the versions in Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, and soon more!
We hope you can be inspired by these small inputs for your daily practice of peace!
Pubblicazioni e Toolkits
The Power Behind Good Intentions (2021)
A toolkit for critical European volunteering organisations and Global Education practitioners
Free to be You and Me (2019)
The toolkit provides information on gender and sexuality, practical guidelines and easy-to-use tools
The Dailyplate Project (2020)
A toolkit and a cookbook about how our values should and can be represented in our food consumption
Peace on the Streets (2019)
Tools, best practices, knowledge around campaigns and street actions for youth workers and peace activists
Exploring humour in non-formal education and youth projects
Building Bridges (2017)
Know-how on voluntary projects involving asylum seekers & refugees as well as raising awareness on forced migration
Pubblicazioni di altre organizzazioni
Projekt "BreakFree!"
Il progetto “BreakFree!” è un progetto congiunto della SAJV e della Milchjugend in collaborazione con “Du bist Du” e mira a rafforzare l’inclusione dei giovani LGBT+ nelle organizzazioni giovanili.