Mini-Workcamp: Bio-Vegan Weekends in Sornetan (BE)


We are looking for volunteers for the 3 mini-Workcamps «Bio-Vegan Weekends» that will take place in Sornetan (BE)!


  • Mini-Workcamp 1: 17 June (16:45h) – 19 June (17:20h)
  • Mini-Workcamp 2: 8 July (16:45h) – 10 July (17:20h)
  • Mini-Workcamp 3: 5 August (16:45h) – 7 August (17:20h)

Volunteer age: 16 – 99

Introduction: The aim of the local project partner, who is organizing the mini-workcamp, is to create a bio-vegan and sustainable permaculture farm, where they will be able to show people that truly ecological (and vegan) lifestyle is also possible in the mountains.

Type of Work: You will rake the lawn (the purpose is to maintain the meadows and organically remove thistles, as the latter cannot be eaten by cows, and still have to be removed even from vegan farms, as they can crowd out other plants, therefore it is prescribed to control thistle in canton Bern; the other two reasons are to initiate mulch production that will fertilize the soil of the garden, and to maintain the area for those animal species that live there, such as wild bees, blindworms, and even snakes), plant bushes and/or build protective barriers for them (the purpose is to increase the number of plants that can absorb CO2, produce fruit and nectar, and diversify the area). You might also harvest different types of berries (blueberry honeysuckle for muesli in June, redcurrants, blackcurrants and many others in July and August). Besides, you may transport wood using the antique handcart.

When it’s hot, you will mainly work in the evenings and in the early mornings, while when it’s cold/rainy – during the “office” hours.

During the weekend you will cook organic, vegan, and seasonal food together with the project partner, as well as hand wash and dry the dishes

Study Theme:

You will discuss such topics as:
– Why being vegan is essential for peace;
– What bio-vegan agriculture is;
– Bio-vegan permaculture.

Apart from that, you can also talk to the project partners about homeschooling, as they adhere to the methods of homeschooling.

Costs: Accommodation and food expenses are covered. There is no participation fee. If you would like to make a donation, we would be very grateful! [IBAN: CH26 0900 0000 8003 3387 4]

Required spoken language: English

Camp spoken languages: The camp spoken language depends on the participants of the group – if the group is international you will stick to English, but if you have any questions, the project partners can speak German, Dutch, French, and Italian. You don’t need to speak all these languages to participate in the camp.


If you are interested in joining the Mini-Workcamp, please fill out this application form.

Deadline to apply: As soon as possible!
Interested? Send an email to


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