Online Training Course Gender Matters! (23 – 29/11/2020)


Call for Participants! Would you like to participate in an online training course on gender? Then keep reading!

Gender-based conflicts around gender stereotypes, distribution of care work and manual labour, sexual harassment as well as sexism, homophobia and transphobia exist and are common.

Camp coordinators, camp organizers and local project hosts sometimes don’t feel equipped to handle these situations.

During this online training course Gender Matters!, participants will get both general training in how to handle gender-based conflicts as well as how to create safer spaces in camps.

As an outcome, we will create a Gender Checklist for camp coordinators for the 2021 camp season that we would like to distribute in all of the SCI network.

More info & how to apply: 

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Online Training Course

SCI Trainings

“We believe that education plays a fundamental role when striving for peace and development. Education is a human right. In our training courses, we use the Non Formal Education (NFE) method – meant to be participatory and accessible to everyone. Through dialogue and intercultural exchange, we can promote a critical understanding of the world and changes in our society.“ SCI Team

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