SCI Switzerland is proud to announce the release of our newest educational resource: the “Decolonize Volunteering” web tool!
This interactive tool is designed to provide a deeper and clearer understanding of volunteering and “volontourism.” It invites users to explore how global structures are built, how power is distributed, and how volunteers interact with these dynamics.
Over the course of a year, this tool was carefully developed by an international project team and funded by Movetia. It is a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that offers insights into topics like:
- The history and lasting impact of colonialism.
- The relationship between colonial legacies and modern global challenges such as globalization, climate, gender, and human rights.
- How volunteers can rethink their approach to foster equitable and responsible change.
Whether you’re a volunteer, educator, or someone curious about global justice, this tool is for you.
Take the First Step Today
Explore the tool and take the first step toward becoming a more responsible global citizen. Let’s rethink volunteering together!
Developed with Care
This tool was created by a dedicated international team, including a group of students from the Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, and funded by Movetia, reflecting a year of research and innovation to empower volunteers to think critically and act justly. Movetia promotes exchange, mobility and cooperation within the fields of education, training and youth work – in Switzerland, Europe and worldwide.