“Organizing a trip to Russia with SCI Switzerland is a thoroughly positive experience. The staff is competent, helpful and reliable”.

Teacher's quotefrom Trogen and Sargans cantonal high school

“It was cool to be able to use the language we learned in the classroom. How proud we were when the waiter in the restaurant actually brought us the right item.” “An exchange with Russian students is the best way to get to know the country and its people directly”.

Students' feedback fromTrogen and Sarganscantonal high school

Do you want to experience something completely different with your friends, your school class or your club? Are you a teacher of Russian and would you like to take a study and cultural trip with your language class?

Then we are the right place to come to. With our partner organizations we can organize an interesting group tour with a cultural program according to your wishes. In Russia we can also organize train trips; here in the train compartments, sitting together with the local people, you can personally find out about the people, their traditions and the landscapes.

A group study trip is possible in the following countries:

  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Uzbekistan

Further offers are possible on request. Of course, a combination of a number of these towns is possible.

Together we can work out your desired project and help you organize and realize your exciting plans.

For advice or if you have any questions, please contact Nathalia:, 031 381 46 20

With our partner organizations we can organize an interesting group tour with a cultural program according to your wishes.

Other projects

Language course

Take a language course during your stay and learn the language of your host country

Stay with a host family

Living with a host family for some time means seeing the host country through their eyes


With an internship of 1-6 months you will get to know Uzbekistan or Kyrgyzstan

Voices of Volunteers

Read reports from volunteers from around the world on the SCI International blog. Let yourself be inspired by their experiences!

More information

Depo 25 Bonus 25

Depo 25 Bonus 25